Individual Tutoring

On-Line and In Person Photography Tutoring

  • In Person

    Learning photography can be daunting. Having a dedicated professional help you every step of the way can open up a whole new world of creativity for you. My individual sessions are catered to your photographic learning needs. Whether you are just starting out and need to learn the basics of shutter speed, aperture and ISO, or you are a seasoned photographer wanting to expand your creative vision in the field. Do you want to learn how to take better photos with your phone? Perhaps you’re looking to improve your photo editing skills to bring the best out of the images you create. We will work together to help you reach your goals. I am a nature photographer and do not own a studio and am unable to teach commercial photography or studio portraiture. I am available year round within a reasonable distance of Charleston SC.

    Photo Sessions can be scheduled Monday through Friday between 8:30 and 3:00 from September through May. Weekends and summer hours are available with varied hours. Inquire for more info…

    $85/hr for one Person (Or Book a 2 hour session for $160)

    $150/hr for 2 people

  • On-Line.

    I can meet you on line via Zoom to help you with your photography. On-Line sessions are better suited for image editing but can be done for learning camera functions as well. I am proficient in Lightroom and Photoshop. I specialize in teaching Photoshop Layers, adding textures to images, photographic composition, and overall digital photography workflow.


    Payable via Quickbooks or Stripe invoice. All major credit cards accepted as well as bank drafts.